Hello hello!
This week has been a good week... A good busy week!
Sister Maddocks is great... She is so sweet!!! I am so blessed to be her companion!!
We have been trying some new finding ideas which have been really fun... We have lots of fun together and laugh a lot. I really do love being a missionary!
We are working with a really cool guy named Serge! He came to Church yesterday for the first time and he loved it!! He lost his wife 14 years ago in a sailing accident and has been looking for peace and comfort since then. It is so nice being here and watching him receive that which he has been looking for.
On Wednesday evening the Poole Zone Leaders called to inform us that the Poole Sister Training Leader and her comp would be staying with us on Thursday evening in preparation for Mission Leadership Council on Friday. I asked who the STL was and they told me it was Sister Stuart... I nearly fell over with excitement!!! I was so happy that they were coming to stay!!! Her and I slept in the lounge so we didn't disturb the other Sisters as we had to get up at 05:30am for MLC. We had so much to talk about that I think we only had about 4-5 hours sleep in the end :/... Not cool but it was so nice catching up with her!!!
Elder Trowbridge who I served with in Eastbourne is one of the Poole Zone Leaders so it was really cool catching up with him in the car on the way there. Then My beloved Sister Hickman was at MLC... It was so nice to see her!! I truly do miss her! She is amazing! I am so sad that she goes home next transfer! Her and I nearly wet ourselves laughing at the AP role play... With the help from some of the Zone Leaders they acted out Noah and the ark. Elder Trowbridge and Elder Harris were goats with Elder Day and Elder Haggerdorn as Panda's... I have never laughed so much at a role play before. I actually cried. Elder Jackman played the role of Noah's son and his baby voice was hilarious!!! That aside the meeting really was amazing... I learned so much and it has pumped me up for this transfer.
This coming Tuesday (Tomorrow), I will be pumped for life as we have the privilege to see Elder Quinton L. Cook of the Twelve speak to us and the England London Mission at the Hyde Park Chapel. Not all of the Mission get to go as it's too far to travel and would cost a bomb so we are so fortunate that we get to go. We are so excited!! Sister Brown (my trainer) and her comp will be staying with us tonight then traveling with us tomorrow. How cool is that?!?!
The other evening we walking down the road and this guy waved to us from a car... I waved back even though I didn't know him then they pulled over... I thought he was going to ask for directions but he knew me... He told me I look like my mum!! His name is Joey Honor... He's a member of the Chichester Ward and he recently returned from the England Manchester Mission. He served in Oldham! Cool eh?! On Sunday he came to me with a missionary planner and asked when we needed him this week! He is coming finding with us on Thursday... So cool!!! I want to be that kind of member Missionary when I get home!
Elder Gibbons is my new District Leader... He is from Dublin, Ireland but had unfortunately lost his accent!! Poor guy!! His comp is Elder Rife from Ohio and Elder Gibbons sounds more American than him... Haha!!! Jokes!!!!
My new Address here in Chichester is:
At MLC we were informed about a new initiative called "He is The Gift"... It's all about Jesus Christ and Christmas... I am so excited!!!! We were able to see the new Mormon Message attached to the campaign called "He is The Gift" it hasn't come out yet... It will be aired on Wednesday at 07:00pm! Watch it!!!!!!!!!!!
christmas.mormon.org or on Youtube!!
Have a lovely week!!!!! Enjoy the video!!!!
Remember who you are... Always!
Love, Sister Smart
Mission Leadership Council 21/11/2014
Sister Hickman and I at MLC! I love her!!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Maddocks and I... Chichester is so pretty!!!!
Joey Honor and I!