Arrival In 'The Big Smoke' !!!

Another big day of excitement for Sister Smart as she arrives in London.
We received an email today, not from herself, but from the Mission Office to let us know that she had arrived safe & well and has been sent out to her very first area and had been given her very first 'real' companion...

Your Missionary Has Arrived

Dear Parents,

I am writing to inform you that your missionary was among those who arrived today safely in the England London South Mission. The missionaries have been assigned a trainer and started serving in their assigned area.

The Mission President will be sending you a letter soon which includes information about the area where your missionary was assigned and who their trainer/companion is.  The letter will also include a picture taken on the day of their arrival.

I am attaching a map for our mission. When you know where your missionary was assigned, you can find that area on the map.
We are glad for the willingness of those young missionaries to come and serve.  In the mission office we do everything we can to make sure their needs are met while in the field. Please know your missionary is well taken care of, and loved by us and by their mission president.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Best Regards
Sister Qumsiyeh
England London South Mission

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