Pre Christmas Call !!!
Late Again Boy !!!
“ Oioi!! So I can't remember much about last week... I feel like I have so much to tell you as I go through each day but then I forget... Everyday molds into one!I loved going to the Temple with all the other Missionaries this week... 1/4 of the mission! About 70 Missionaries! It was a wonderful experience that has helped my testimony grow. We also had Christmas dinner, but it wasn't much like the Christmas dinner I make... It was very American! We all got an amazing gift from President and Sister Millar... A England London South Mission Temple Recommend holder... I'll send a photo next week. I forgot my camera AGAIN!
We had an exchange on Thursday/Friday. Sister Brown went to Weston-Super-Mare and I stayed in Yeovil... I was very nervous about leading the area but I was pleased with how things went. I learned new things from Sister L... We call her that because no one says her name right. She's from Finland! She knows Jussi and Touko :) She also knows Jai Turner from Liverpool... Something to do with her Grandad/Dad and Jai's dad's conversion, anyway... I am thankful for the opportunity.
The Elders that were the transport for the exchange were very kind and gave us a lift to one of our appointments. One of them is from Stafford... He had two strokes about 5 days apart 3 years ago... He was 23. He can walk but his left arm has no movement and he lost his left peripheral vision. When I have negative thoughts about about walking so much I remind myself of him... He is an inspiration to me!!
I have been asked to speak in sacrament meeting this coming Sunday on the Prophet Joseph Smith... I am quite nervous and stressed about writing the talk. I know I only have myself to blame as I don't know enough about the Prophet as my studies and activity have been poor throughout my life. Having said that, I am excited to research him so that I can learn and grow from the challenge. Also, Sister Brown is quite knowledgeable so I'm going to pick her brains!
I am extremely excited about/for Jamie. He is progressing really well and I am so pleased for him. We're working towards 11/01/14 for his baptism. People told me that I would learn to love each investigator and it's true. I am concerned for him everyday and on Sunday when he was too ill to come to church, I was devastated. Hopefully he will be well enough for our lesson with him tomorrow so we can see his progress. We have others that we are teaching but They're not progressing like he is... He was so ready to hear about the gospel. Did I tell you how we met him? We decided to knock some doors one evening a couple weeks ago... I was adamant about knocking this one street in particular so off we went to knock it. We knocked about 20 doors (it's a small street)... We taught 4 lessons, gave two people literature that they requested and then we got to the last door. I knocked my happy knock... No response so I did my bailiff's knock :)... Jamie answered the door and the rest is history! Oh and we later found out that he house shares with 4 other people... 5 people could have answered the door that day and Jamie answered. I think he was waiting for us! :)
This afternoon we are shopping and then I will read all the emails I have printed off! I'm sorry if I don't reply personally, but I'm trying my best! :)
Oh and apparently we get to call home a couple days ahead of Christmas day. Just for a couple minutes to arrange a Skype time. My mind is blank of most things pre-mission so we'll see if I remember the numbers!! Haha!! I'll try to make it the evening of Sunday 22/12 so I catch you at home.
I'm still excited to be a Missionary and I think it's actually starting to sink in!! I actually feel like a Missionary... Sometimes!
I hope you all have a lovely Christmas... Remember the true meaning! Don't let the gifts and what not get in the way!
Time is flying by... I'm on week 6 in my planner! :| Speaking of... I think I'll need a Missionary planner for the rest of my life!!
I love you all!!
Take care, Sister Smart
Latest Titbit!!!
Sister Smart was obviously so excited to be going to the Temple today that her message home was somewhat shorter than usual, but nevertheless its good to see her in such high spirits...
“Quickest Email ever !!!So we're in Bristol on our way to the Temple and I have 12 minutes to email!!! :O Maybe we'll get another chance to email later in the week... I'm not sure! If not, I'll email next Monday :) We're getting a coach to the temple in a couple hours, then staying in Temple accommodation overnight, tomorrow we get to do a session in the Temple and then have a Mission Christmas dinner. We're very excited!
Firstly... We got the shopping! Thank you so much!!!!!! And mum, you're naughty for spending so much!! I have a photo of the fridge after we filled it! :) I'll send it next week!
Mum, I forgot to tell you that I found your missionary name tag my first day in the MTC and I have it pinned on the front of my journal. I cried when I found it! :)
I'm doing well... Still not got Sister Brown's cold. I've been taking Vit C and Vit D and I reckon that's helping me out.
Rae, the stake president and his wife spoke in my ward on Sunday and it turns out that their daughter, Honey lives in Rugby and apparently she's if your visiting teacher. Small world! Also, an Elder White is serving here from your ward. I've not met him yet but we have his Christmas package to give him :)
Not sure how much I have told you about a guy (Jamie) we met a couple weeks back.... anyway things are progressing really well for him. I'm so happy for him!! He came to church again this week with us and it was a good day!!!! He looks like Joseph Gordon-Levitt! :)
I'm excited to be a missionary most of the time... There are the odd things that do wind me up though such as when things fall through and I feel useless. I can hear you saying Mum that I need to have more patience :)
I miss and love you all but I'm where I'm suppose to be!
Love, Sister Smart
The Long Awaited Photos!!!
Those who thought she may suffer a little from home sickness need not worry she appears to be having the time of her life.
“ Well... This week has been a bit of everything!Blisters... they're not too bad in the photo but they got alot worse! they're on the mend now though!! :)
Sister Brown is sick so we have had a few days stuck in the flat but I tried to keep myself busy by organising, making appointments and such.
We also had Zone training which was amazing but that took us out of the field for a day!!
We received an announcement yesterday that we will be going to the temple one day next week... Sister Brown and I squeeled!! We're so excited. Zone Training was amazing... We were addressed by Elder Texira and his wife! Everyone was mega pumped afterwards :)
It was thanksgiving, so some of the members in the Poole area made thanksgiving dinner for about 130 missionaries. It was pretty good! I had desert for the first time in a long while and that was really good... Pumpkin pie.
After lunch we sang Armies of Helaman with "we thank you for the food" added at the end, to the chefs/helpers... They cried. It was a really good day!!
We also received post that day that was addressed to the office. I got my first Christmas package from the Manchester and Ashton YSA... I was really touched and I'm well excited to open it!!! Thank you!!!!!!
I did feel a little awkward there though... As I was so new I didn't know many people. I did chat with Sister Steffensen and Elder Johnson though... We were in the MTC together so that was cool. One of the AP's (Elder Patten) is from Wales and he's older like me so we chatted a bit so I didn't feel too awkward.
Oh and the night before Zone Training we had 4 other Sisters stay at our flat so it was easier for them to get to Poole in the morning... That was weird and made me feel well awkward. 4 new/very loud people in my "home" was weird... I pretty much just sat in the corner and watched haha!
One day last week we visited one of our investigators and it was amazing... I squealed the whole way home. Then he came to church yesterday!!!!!! Amazing!!! I felt like a proud mum haha!
We met a guy named Jamie the other day while knocking and I'm really excited to go back and visit him.... He's Golden, as they say!! The work is kind of slow... We're getting much better though! We do more everyday but we could be doing a lot more!
Oh and I'm getting calluses on my knees from praying... That just shows that I had never prayed enough before now! I can't think of anything else to tell you... Other than time is flying by! Oh and prayers get answered!!!!!!! Get on your knees and give it a try :) That's what I tell people when they mock me... Maybe you should try and it get back to me. With a smile on my face of course!
I didn't come on a mission for myself but I'm only one month out and I've already learned so much. I'm still the person I was but the way I look at things/life is different. I know the person I want to be and I know how I can achieve it. I also know that I can only get there with the help from my Savior.
Remember who you are and pray!
Love, Sister Smart
Area map... I know you've already seen it but it's huge!!!! Hence the blisters.